Friday, August 30, 2019

Not Quite Like the Egyptian Namesake

Location: Thebes, Greece (written in Athens, Greece)
Mood: In pain from too much standing
NP: Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer

Thebes (Thiva)
Tickets: 6 €, students enter for free
Time: 2-3 hours

A lively modern town that is built on top of the ancient ruins, some of which are from Mycenaean times. For excavating, this is of course a problem, but a couple of ruins have been found.

The excavated ruins outside in the town center are passable, but most of all, Thebes contains the best museum so far on this trip, by far.

I would go as far as to say it competes with the British Museum in London - not in the amount or variety of items to be seen - but in the way the museum explains the history related to the items. In this the museum in Thebes is the best par none I've seen. But they could use a few more benches.

The exhibits start from stone age and run to Roman (and Byzantine) times. Some more ruins have been excavated underneath the museum and they are visible to visitors.

The center of town is just 400 meters from the museum. Go south up the hill and one block to the right after the second block with a ruin for some lively restaurants at the very heart of Thebes. We visited during a pork festival and sampled.

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