Friday, August 30, 2019

Consulting the Oracle

Location: Delphi, Greece (written in Athens, Greece)
Mood: Sapped
NP: Elsa & Emilie - Chains of Promises

Tickets: 12 €, student card not recognized
Time: 2-3 hours

The road by the sea from Rio to Delphi presented the most beautiful scenery of the trip so far. Coves and villages by the sea and houses on small islands looked almost absurdly charming. After a longer drive by mountains and valleys you'll finally arrive on the winding road leading up to Delphi. You will pass through the small village on the way to the archaeological site.

Plentiful ruins (with a vast museum) in a relatively compact area describe the site of the ancient oracle of Delphi. It is quite a climb all the way up to the stadium but important ruins such as the Temple of Apollo can be seen after a short climb only. A little way higher you'll find the theater and the stadium is up above everything else.

Temple of Apollo at Delphi

For those interested in such mundane things: A drinks dispenser is located by the archaeological site entrance and toilets reside by the museum.

The view from the ruins and from the road leading to the village is as breath-taking as Keanu Reeves  in his E3 2019 presentation. You'll gaze towards the mountain range, the valley and the sea down below and may wonder what kind of fervor drove ancient rulers to Delphi and all the way up the mountain to seek the Pythia's guidance at the temple of Apollo in days long past.

And wonder further how satisfied they were to hear this: "I count the grains of sand on the beach and measure the sea; I understand the speech of the dumb and the voiceless. The smell has come to my sense of a hard shelled tortoise boiling and bubbling with a lamb's flesh in a bronze pot: the cauldron underneath it is of bronze, and bronze is the lid."

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