Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Aftermath

Location: Oulu, Finland
NP: Kavinsky (feat. Lovefoxxx) - Nightcall
Mood: Lethargic

Having travelled in places I've enjoyed a lot before, most namely Japan in 2010 and Thailand in 2006, after the trip I knew to expect feeling an inconsolable longing for the places we had visited. It is a voice inside you saying "You must go back", and this voice is difficult to silence.

Nighttime in Malacca, Malaysia

I wondered if the most recently visited places would have a lot to do with The Voice, for I did not like leaving Thailand, but I didn't mind at all leaving Turkey behind. Returning to Helsinki I met my German cousin there, and all in all, it was an easy landing back to all those things I'd been away from for three months.

Sunset at Sihanoukville, Cambodia

I'd missed my friends and family. I'd missed the activities I used to do. And most especially I'd missed some of the western food I was accustomed to at home, mostly rye bread, potatoes and macaroni with minced meat. Strangely, I had not missed milk or sweets all that much.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Now, two months after returning home it seems the longing to get back out there was never as monumental as I'd expected it to be. There was no depression like there was after Thailand a few years earlier or Japan in 2010. Rather, I find staying in Finland relatively easy for the time being.

However, that doesn't mean I won't be going back soon. It is autumn now and winter is fast approaching in Finland. And Asia is just too enchanting to keep away from.

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